Ken "Ooyahtoona" Lisbourne
Point Hope, Alaska
(1950 - 2017 )
A list of known Ken Lisbourne prints:
Know of a print we don't have listed, please contact us
- "Attungauruk! The Great Chief! Killungmurtuk! Burial scene"
- "Blanket Toss, #/500, 1980"
- "Butchering The Bowhead Whale" , #/??, 19??
- "Chasing The Bowhead Whale", #/??, 1980
- "Duck Hunting"
- "Eskimo Dance, #/??, 20??",
- "Eskimo Football, #/??, 20??",
- "Eskimo Power, #/??, 2015",
- "Fishing For Salmon", #/??, 2007
- "Harpooning the Bowhead Whale", #/??, 2008
- "Looking Out"
- "Oogruk Skin"
- "Picking Driftwood"
- "Polar Bear Hunt"
- "Salmon Fishing"
- "Seal Hunt", #/??, 1980
- "Seals Resting"
- "Summer Camp"
- "Walrus Herd, #/500, 1980"
- "Whale Festival"